7 Common Jet Ski Injuries in Florida and How to Avoid Them

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Jet skis are one of the most exciting ways to explore Florida’s waterways, enjoyed by residents and tourists alike. But while these vehicles can be a great source of fun, they can also lead to serious, even deadly, injuries.

A jet ski accident lawyer can help you recover damages for injuries you may have suffered while either driving or riding on a jet ski. Let’s take a look at some of the most common jet ski injuries in Florida and consider how you might avoid them.

1. Whiplash on a Jet Ski

Just like in motor vehicle accidents, whiplash can occur when a jet ski abruptly changes direction or speed. While mild cases can cause headaches and neck stiffness, severe cases can result in bleeding from the ears and immobilization.

The best way to avoid whiplash on a jet ski is to mind the throttle and gradually adjust speed and direction. Avoid making any sudden movements, and allow your turns to be a bit wide. Personal injury lawyers in Florida frequently see cases where an inexperienced jet ski driver suffered whiplash after a quick turn or speed change.

2. Broken Bones

Along with the property damage that can come with a jet ski crash, you could also face some serious medical bills after a jet ski accident. Fractures and complete breakages are more common than you’d think, and lawyers for personal injury can help clients recover damages to help pay for surgeries, physical therapy, and more.

The best way to reduce your chances of suffering a sprain, fracture, or breakage is to slow down. By slowing down, you’ll have less risk of colliding with other jet skis or boats and, by extension, less risk of breaking a bone.

3. Contact Burns

Contact burns can happen when a rider’s skin quickly rubs against rope or the handles of the jet ski. Friction burns tend not to be as severe as some of the other injuries on this list, but a contact burn can easily become infected if not treated properly.

Wearing gloves while driving a jet ski should reduce and may eliminate your chances of suffering a contact burn. Not only can the right gloves prevent blisters and sores, but they’ll also give you a better grip while riding.

4. Cuts and Bruises

Cuts and bruises can be painful. A laceration can easily get infected, especially if exposed to bacteria or open water. You may need stitches to close the wound if the cut is deep.

The best way to prevent cuts, bruises, and deeper lacerations is to wear protective gear, both as a driver and as a rider. Common flotation devices like a life jacket can not only help you in the event that you fall off of the vehicle, they can also help protect against scrapes.

5. Head Injuries and Concussions

Concussions frequently happen in cases where a driver or rider is thrown off and makes contact with the water, another vehicle, or another obstacle. Drivers and riders with concussions often don’t know how severe the damage is until much later, after symptoms start to appear.

Jet ski drivers who wear protective headwear have a significantly reduced chance of suffering a concussion. You’ll be less likely to lose control of your jet ski or collide with another vehicle on the water by reducing your speed.

A knowledgeable South Florida personal injury attorney can help recover damages for those affected by concussions or other head injuries due to a jet ski accident.

6. Contusions

It’s clear that jet ski collisions can cause severe contusions for drivers and riders. However, one of the most overlooked causes of bruising is repeatedly leaving the water and dropping back down again. This can cause serious bruising to the soft tissue or even damage the tailbone.

As with many of the other injuries on this list, the best way to prevent severe contusions is to regulate your speed while driving a jet ski.

7. Injuries to the Spine

Spinal injuries are often catastrophic and can lead to paralysis or even wrongful death. Bad weather is often the culprit, although hard collisions can also cause spinal injuries.

Ride or drive a jet ski only in favorable weather conditions and try to have a spotter on location before heading out. A spotter won’t be able to prevent a spinal injury, but they can be there for you in an emergency situation.

Cohen & Juda, P.A.: We Will Represent You Personally in Jet Ski Accident Cases

Are you in or around Fort Lauderdale and need the help of a jet ski accident lawyer? Contact the personal injury attorneys at the law firm of Cohen & Juda, P.A. We’ve been helping accident victims with personal injury and wrongful death cases for more than 30 years.

Call us at 954-424-1440, or fill out our online form today to schedule your free consultation.

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Cohen and Juda P.A.
8211 W Broward Blvd, Suite 310
Plantation, FL 33324

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